All dedicated and vps servers will automatically be suspended as soon as an invoice is overdue....
Los Angeles includes local mitigation via in-house devices by our network provider. Attacks up to...
In Los Angeles,Miami,and New York metro(New Jersey)we have the following network peers. Path...
If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with our service, simply request a refund. We offer a...
This AUP governs the use of Madcityservers LLC's web hosting service. Violation of this AUP...
Account downgrades and billing cycle changes can be performed by opening a ticket with the...
Affiliate Program Features: Up to 100% Pay out of any Monthly plan. Custom Affiliate links....
The following ports are blocked permanently, they are commonly used for DDoS attacks. The blocks...
We allow BYOIP for services if you are paying above $60/year with a service on yearly billing. We...
We generally limit VPS to 4 additional IPv4 (5 total) except in cases where justification can...
Yes! You may update rdns on ivp4 and ipv6 Click on services then manage dns.
Yes! We support IPv6. 1 ipv6/64 is provided for free.
If any given time you would like to migrate your VPS instance to a different...
We offer a variety of operating systems which can be installed automatically on your VPS with a...
Isolated Private Networking LANs Available for free on all servers Just click enable private...
This Web Hosting Agreement is between Madcityservers LLC and the person/persons who use our...
Last Modification: 1/7/25 Please review our bandwidth and traffic information for our...